Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fantastic First Day

What a fun and mentally invigorating first day we had in gifted class! We have several new friends in our fourth grade group, which makes our class dynamic even better. One of our new friends will be posting this week, so I will leave the majority of the updating to his future post...I'll just lightly graze over some of what took place last week. We created self portraits and surrounded them with various words that described our leadership qualities. We also learned about Georges Seurat, who painted in a style called "pointillism." This is a technique that takes much patience and diligence, which we learned as we tried it out ourselves. Okay, I could go on...but I will stop here and leave the rest to the "real" bloggers!


Anonymous said...

I remember doing pointillism! It was fun. We made a crown! What did you guys make? Did you think it was fun?
(5th grade)

Anonymous said...

Everyone in my gifted class did an GREAT job. I love the idea of doing the pictures of Earth for are pointillism project.
