Friday, February 8, 2008

Our gifted day

Today in gifted we did secret sentances. Secret sentances is when their are two people.Each person picks a sentance. Then you pick a situation like an underwater conversation. Each person takes turns having a conversation. After about three or four times you would use your secret sentance. But the secret sentance must make sense with what is actually being talked about. You can push the conversation torwards what your secret sentance is and give a thumbs up when you used your secret sentance.
We also did Arches. In arches we took our body and used our hand to support us like an arch.Keeping the arch up is called buttresting.
What we also did was,we were handed a list with global monuments. We were also handed a piece of paper with a map of the world. Once you find the location of the monument in an atlas you must mark the correspondig number of the monument on your piece of paper with a map of the world.


Anonymous said...

Today was an ausome day we got our parts and played the funnest game ever!! (silly sentences) Im really happy I got last train to clarksville and kansas city! So I did not get bohemian rhapsody but I'm glad I got those!!!

Anonymous said...

gifted was so much fun! are we going to do secret sentances again? sara

Anonymous said...

friday rocked

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

love gifted!!:-D


Anonymous said...

Hey guys!!!
I was really sad there was no gifted today.:-( But,good job to everyone in the awards ceramony!!