Thursday, September 6, 2007

First Day Fun!

Last Friday was our fourth graders first day of gifted for the 2007-2008 school year. We had a lot of fun together- some faces were very familiar as I taught them as third graders, while others were new. Either way, I was happy to see everyone! We began by learning the rituals and routines of our classroom and followed with a day of enlightening activities. We learned about Georges Seurat and tried our hands (literally) at his pointillism technique, played a bit of "Webster's Theater", sang along to a couple of songs for our new musical, not to mention the self portraits we drew! Whew- what a day--and that was just day one! What a thrill it is to work with all of these enthusiastic minds! I cannot wait until tomorrow-onward and upward we go!

1 comment:

Mrs. Jennifer Zawis said...

Great job today fourth graders! I am having a wonderful time working with you all.